A New Concept: Dr. Max Hyper Pharmacies in Romania

Long gone are the times when pharmacy was just a small, traditional place where the only thing customers could do is exchange prescription for a drug. Now pharmacies offer much more, and Dr.Max Romania is taking the "more" to next level by opening the first hyper pharmacies in this country. Until mid May 2022, already 11 hyper pharmacies have been open. 

"We want to make the Hyper - Dr.Max pharmacy a space where our customers will feel that it is worth to visit because they will have a complete experience - various services and products at affordable prices, plus personalized recommendations from our pharmacists and consultants. The launch of this new concept is in line with our brand's mission to listen to customers, understand their needs and act accordingly", said Cezar Zahario, CEO Dr.Max Romania.


Dr. Max BDC, s.r.o.

Na Florenci 2116/15
110 00 Prague 1

Dr. Max Group is a European pharmaceutical concern owned by Penta, an investment group established in 1994, operating primarily in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Their offices are located in Prague, Bratislava, Warsaw, and Limassol. The business areas of Penta Investments include long-term investing in healthcare, financial services, retail, manufacturing, media and real estate development. The companies of Penta’s portfolio employ more than 43,000 people, with more than 15,000 professionals working in healthcare. The group’s assets value reached €14 billion in 2022.

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